
26 9783852725406 The Hound of the Baskervilles
Doyle, Arthur Conan
27 9789810844516 Hunger Games 1 (飢餓遊戲) Collins, Suzanne
28 9780439023535 Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire
Collins, Suzanne
29 9780439023542 Hunger Games 3: Mockingjay
Collins, Suzanne
30 9783852722832 The Time Capsule Campbell, Robert
31 9780060525507 Warriors Book 1: Into the Wild Hunter, Erin
32 9780060744519 Warriors: The New Prophecy, Book 1: Midnight Hunter, Erin
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36 9780440418320 The Golden Compass (黃金羅盤) Pullman, Philip
37 9780064471107 Chronicles of Narnia #01: Magician's Nephew
Lewis, C. S.
38 9780064471046 Chronicles of Narnia #02: Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lewis, C. S.
39 9780316038379 Twilight Saga, Book 1: Twilight
Meyer, Stephenie
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(Media tie in)
Meyer, Stephenie
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Dahl, Roald/ Blake, Q.
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Verne, Jules