姓  名 陳蓁玫 學  校 臺北市立大同高級中學 年  級 二年一班
Hi I'm Joyce, now 17 years old. Three things about me that u shouldn't miss are cello, sports and exchange year in Canada! But what I cherish the most is the personality of being genuine and kind to the world. I like to experience and try and I also love people and stories. Wish that I can become the kind of person whose words are full of power, gentle and comfort.


Rewrite the Stars

  The title of The Fault in Our Stars is a quote derived from Shakespeare’s play. At first glance, the author John Green seems to imply that the characters’ stories are defined by fate. As the star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet whose romance is doomed, Hazel and Augustus are caught between death and love. Although cancer inevitably exists in their fate, love is the source to make them stand independently against the unalterable destiny, and turn the numbered days they are given into infinity. Death shapes the character’s bittersweet romance, and love in turn changes their perception toward life and death.

  Facing imminent death transforms Augustus into a strong and passionate person. His tendency to pursue heroism and the fondness of making sacrifices are related to his fear of oblivion. Since cancer might greatly shorten his lifespan, he has the urge to fight for his recognition in the universe. We see Augustus achieve the heroism he always desires from the valiant way of playing video games, and also when he gives his own precious wish from the Genie Foundation to Hazel so that she can fulfill her dream. Facing unpredictable death prompts Augustus to fight for recognition and leave a mark in the heart of people he loves.

  On the other hand, love gives him shelter where his vulnerable side can be comforted. After Augustus’s recurrence of cancer, he can no longer be the confident and charismatic self he used to be. When Augustus drives to the gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes, which shows his desire to regain control over his body, he fails and lies half-conscious in his car. Hazel rushes to get him and recites a poem called “The Red Wheelbarrow” by William Carlos Williams. She tries to persuade Augustus that he is already an essential element in her life, there’s no need to be fixated on being remembered by his heroic deeds. It is at this moment that love allows Augustus’s vulnerable side be revealed.

  Unlike Augustus whose greatest fear is oblivion, Hazel is afraid of hurting people she loves. With stage IV thyroid cancer, she always thinks of herself as a grenade that will one day explode, and people around her will be badly wounded. As a result, Hazel alienates herself from her beloved family and friends to minimize the casualties she might bring. For instance, she struggles to begin a romantic relationship with Augustus and is reluctant to bring her parents burden. One time Hazel overheard her mother say she will no longer be a mother after Hazel dies. It gutted Hazel badly to see her parents suffer from the pain caused by her cancer.

  However, the love Augustus gives to Hazel brings her courage to face the death of her beloved one. She says she wouldn’t trade that pain for anything because it is the mark that reminds Hazel how deeply she has fallen in love. Hazel comes to understand on the other side of happiness is the cost of the pain. As Hazel points out, “Nothing gold can stay.” Nothing is constant; the beautiful and the precious moments are no exceptions. Gorgeous and charming though Augustus is, his life is limited. However, he sparkles like a firework, short but magnificent.

  In my viewpoint, facing death can challenge love and even make it stronger. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago. It was a period full of uncertainties and helplessness, but love linked us together and gave us strength to overcome the difficulties. It isn’t until we learn the lesson of how vulnerable life is that we understand the importance of seizing the moment and cherishing each other.

  By analyzing the influence of love and death on the characters in the novel, I realize the power to live our life to the fullest is in our hands. Although Hazel and Augustus are afflicted with cancer and therefore their death is unpredictable, love brings them courage and support. In a short amount of time, they try to build up their forever with love. “Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.” They cherish the infinity they have and rewrite their story into the brightest star in the sky.