姓  名 陳聿維 學  校 桃園市私立六和高級中學 年  級 一 年 三 班
Hello, I'm Evi from Lioho. It's my honour to be a nominee for the Bookman award. I am a dedicated doer and an enthusiastic student who likes travelling, dancing, and especially reading. Mystery novels are my dearest; they are imaginative, adventurous, and bring lots of joy to my life. I take delight in reading sentimental stories, which can resonate with my soul and are an immaculate solace in my occupied life. I often read non-fiction novels, which broadens my learning and helps me comprehend the world better. My ambition is to be a novelist; reading is the foundation of my blueprint.



Preconceived notions and stereotypes often deter us from rational objectivity, steering us towards judging a book only by its cover and neglecting to appreciate what lies beneath the covers. In the story, Auggie's peculiar appearance initially repelled those around him, and it was not until people finally got to understand him that they began to see his unique intelligence, humor, optimism, kindness, and sincerity, qualities which make him a good friend and role model to all. Much is the same for reality. Since ancient times, numerous conflicts and harm instigated by such conditions based on ideas such as gender, religion, and race have always been commonplace. I believe that if people are able to abstain from prejudice and adopt a more empathetic and embracive mindset, much misfortune and regret can be avoided.

This book opened my eyes to the critical issue of bullying, an issue that is ubiquitous throughout society. If others are peculiar or differ from us even in the slightest, they often become prime targets for bullying. Bullies deliberately bully others by utilizing methods such as ridicule, patronization, and exclusion. At the same time, the individual who remains on the sidelines and is indifferent to the matter often becomes the "partner" of the bully, ultimately resulting in a nightmarish experience that lingers permanently for the bullied person. I believe that we should respect and treat everyone in the same manner that we want to be treated, and no one deserves to suffer unfair or unjust treatment. We should not fear bullies, primarily when they use force to oppress the weak. Instead, we should stand up to the bullies, address our fears, and we can reverse a victim's fate and prevent a tragedy.

After finishing this book, I began comprehending the vital quality of kindness. In the story, Auggie decides to abide by Mr. Brown's maxim, "when someone asks you to choose between righteousness and kindness, choose kindness." Although Auggie's circumstances can sufficiently cause him to feel self resentment and become an angry and spiteful person, through his kindness, he forgave those who had once hurt him and, in return, gained friendship, respect, and love, and above all, inspired others who are currently in the same position as he once was. I realized that choosing kindness may not be the most powerful of actions; however, I can win over more hearts and, by extension, better understand, accept and love myself while also learning to be considerate, caring, and inspirational to others, so as to create an equal, kind and loving society.

Familial love is the part of this book that struck an emotional chord with me. Auggie's mother didn’t care about his facial defects; his father threw away the astronaut helmet that Auggie used to conceal his face; his sister also played a pivotal role in the development of Auggie. As a young adult, she also has her aspirations and concerns and longs for affection from her parents but instead puts those feelings aside for the benefit of her younger brother. Seeing this family dynamic, I came to the epiphany that since Auggie's parents never criticized or derided those who caused harm, this magnanimous mindset created Auggie's open-mindedness, courage, and perseverance. Additionally, his sister's consideration and maturity not only served as a pillar of support but also inspired Auggie to become more compromising and empathetic. Auggie's family not only provided him with love and support but also led by example through their actions and became his role model.

I gravitate towards Auggie's attitude towards life. Even in the face of misfortune, he still strives to lead a positive life; even when obstacles arise, he is willing to face the problem head-on. Auggie instills his optimism in everyone, and his imperfections remind me that I shouldn't take anything for granted. We all have a tiny part of Auggie within us, a component that allows us to muster the courage to face our imperfections; each of us also has an Auggie around us, someone who teaches us to be benevolent, tolerant, and understanding. We use courage, kindness, and warmth to surmount the defects and regrets God has given us, a testament to the fact that miracles occur each and every day.