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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is a magical novel describing how Harry Potter, the boy who lived, went into the magic world and found out who he was.

On Harry’s eleventh birthday, his life changed dramatically. He realized that wizard was his real identity, and more surprisingly, he was well-known in the Wizarding World. Then he entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to study magic. After fighting alongside each other, Harry, Ron, and Hermione became loyal partners. During the time at school, they found that the magic stone was almost stolen by someone else. Experiencing the final battle with the assistance of friends, the stone was kept successfully. As the mystery of the stone was uncovered, Harry’s ancestry was revealed.

While I was reading the novel, it seemed that I was on an adventurous journey with Harry. Sometimes we were fighting with ferocious Troll in the bathroom, sometimes we were exploring in the Forbidden Forest. My favorite part of the story was the time when Harry and Hagrid went to Diagon Alley. There were all kinds of interesting shops there such as Ollivanders Wand Shop, Eeylops Owl Emporium, Gringotts Wizarding Bank, and so on. I felt I was vividly walking on that street and was attracted to various novel things.

The Wizarding World sounded attractive and wondrous and made me eager to visit. However, in the Wizarding World, there were different races of wizards. In general, they were divided into three races, Pure-blood, Half-blood, and Muggle-born. First of all, Pure-blood referred to witches or wizards whose families had no Muggles or Muggle-borns. Secondly, Half-blood referred to witches or wizards who had one of Muggle or Muggle-born parents. At last, Muggle-born referred to witches or wizards whose families were all Muggles. A Pure-blood wizard might feel superior and despise the other two races, in particular. They even mocked Muggle-borns “Mudbloods”. It reminded me of the racism in our world. Fortunately, not all Pure-bloods were villains in the story like Ron. I believe everyone deserves respect from others and shouldn’t simply be judged by their appearances, race, or social status, and so on. All kinds of people have their unique characters and cultures to form this various wonderful world.

At the end of the story, Harry, Ron, and Hermione faced a lot of challenges, but they overcame them with courage, faithful friendship, and love. While on the way to find and protect the stone, they bravely beat the giant three-headed dog. Furthermore, they solved problems through their brilliant teamwork and collaboration. Finally, because of the power of love, they defeated the enemy. Courage makes us strong, friendship lets us grow, and love overbear death. I found rock-solid friendship was built through trials. I hope that my friends and I can also overcome all the difficulties like them.

To me, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone isn’t just a story, it led me to see the unity of different races that was able to achieve success. Harry was Half-blood, Ron was Pure-blood, and Hermione was Muggle-born. Although they were born and raised differently, they became best friends and cooperated through their courage, faithful friendship, and love. In reality, Taiwan has gradually developed as a multicultural society. We are facing more and more global issues, and we need multiple solutions from different mindsets. If everyone can get along with each other like them, I believe the world will be more peaceful and full of love.