姓  名 許沁寧 學  校 國立新竹女子高級中學 年  級 二年一班



Narnia-The Magician's Nephew

After reading this book, I think that it’s a really mysterious and marvelous story. It’s a novel about the imaginary world called Narnia. The story is full of such creativity that I don’t even know how the plot unfolds. It feels like stepping into the forest, but not knowing what will proceed next. The characters all have strong personalities. Aslan, which played an influential part in the story, is my favorite character. I admire him not only because of his warm heart, but also on account of his knowing the subordinates well enough to assign them jobs based on their abilities. That’s a positive phenomenon in the society. In contrast, nowadays, more and more authorities or rulers frequently don’t regard their people in the first place. They neglect the people’s demands every now and then. However, for me, a leader plays a decisive role in every situation. Another character, Digory, is one of the special roles in this novel. At first, owing to his ignorance, he brought Jadis, who was a sinister witch to Narnia by accident. Soon after, he knew that he himself made such a severe mistake. I adore his bravery of admitting the wrongdoing, because it’s difficult to recognize and make up for the deficiency. In order to restore everything to its original appearance, he even took risk finding the magic apple. His courage and persistence inspire me a lot.

The storyline is the splendid highlight in this story. When it comes to the setting of Narnia, the vivid description is like a picture presented in front of my eyes. It seems that I can see the calla lilies and hear the birds tweet. The stunning and mesmerizing scenery comes into view. How picturesque it is!

The plot which impresses me the most is that Digory and Polly were sent to the lakes which can connect different worlds, one of which is Narnia. It attracts me not only because of Uncle Andrew’s strange thought and magic, but also owing to the existence of these lakes. If I had a chance to join that adventure, I would be extremely excited about it. However, think on another side, Digory and Polly might be frightened at that time. After all, to attempt a new method which nobody had tried is a big barrier to conquer. Another part of the story is that Digory brought an apple seed and rang into the soil, then the seed became a huge tree. To my surprise, the wardrobe, made of the apple tree, served as a mysterious tunnel to Narnia. Not until I read this part, I could even imagine this narrative. It links the further plot and unfolds the next story. The wardrobe forms a bridge between the earlier and later stages. Besides, it also symbolizes the door to another world. Through the wardrobe, we find a completely different world. Whether this world brings positive effects or not, it offers us a different horizon by our eyes.

With this novel, it seems that I could get a glimpse of the fantastic world. It gives me another way to reflect on the fiction. As my aspect, there are virtuous regiment and evil forces composing the story. These two kinds of power range between the two extremes. Their characteristic adds color and brings the splendid effect to the whole storyline. However, the harm might be done between this tense relationship regardless of the visible or incorporeal power. For all practical purposes, this is a common problem in reality. The formidable group has an inclination to use the arrogant way to suppress another. To make a peaceful and beneficial result on both sides is indispensable. How to solve the problem requires bilateral wisdom.