姓  名 周芳儀 學  校 天主教曉明女子高級中學 年  級 二 年 甲 班



The ture meaning of happiness

After reading the story, the first curious came to my mind was that: What is the true meaning of happiness? In Scrooge’s initial opinion, receiving richness and fame was the only way to please himself, the connection between people and people didn’t matter at all. He even considered Christmas was just a time when you find yourself a year older and not a penny richer. As we know, the thought of this make everyone keep him in distance, and made him have nothing expect money and loneliness. Fortunately, Scrooge finally figured out that the recipe which can really make him happy is benevolence and share and that is also the main implication the story would like to convey. To be honest, no one can fully avoid being selfish because we all have our own desire. However, it shouldn’t be a reason for us to become insatiable and neglect others’ needs. What we were encouraged is to put ourselves in other’s shoes and give a hand to those who are in need. Sharing doesn’t only mean to provide financial assistance, but to show our concern and respect.

Without a doubt, the three spirits helped Scrooge a lot. They pulled him out of his narrow world and helped him to have wider vision. In the past, all he could see was his money and business. It made him ignore the importance of kindness, friendship and family. He was cruel to the staff and even his relatives. The spirits tried to make him think of the beautiful memories which he had before, like his family, his charming fiancee and his old friends, and also made him to introspect why he lost them. They let him pay attention to the needs of people around. Christmas present showed Scrooge that a lot of people still appreciated Christmas just because this is a day they can show their love and gratitude to those they care about. Even though they suffered from misfortune and poverty, the action of love and giving shouldn’t be stopped. The significance of Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is full of alertness. The spirit let he see the tragedy caused by his own selfish in the future vividly and show him the essentiality to change his attitude and become more generous.

Scrooge is an image that not only live in the novel, but in everywhere of our life. Nowadays, our society are fulfilled with people who are totally covetous and greedy, they only care about the interests of wealth, like Scrooge. Do they really satisfied with what they got? Some people usually said that, ”Money isn’t everything, but without money you can’t do anything.” or ”Money talks!”. In my consideration, although money is important, love is the most precious. There are sincere friendships between you and your friends, love between family members, and those are not to use money to buy into. Those feelings between love and beloved cannot be measured by money, the only way to receive, is to experience it by your heart.