姓  名 許正妍 學  校 台北市立西松高級中學 年  級 二 年 愛 班



The secret garden is not a real secret garden

Everyone has a secret garden of their own. It may be plain, ordinary or ornate, but it is of great importance when people encounter huge frustration in their way. It may not exist in the real world at all until people need a place to hide from others. So, it will help people get through the crisis, comfort them like a kindly mother and bring vigor to life. Nevertheless, the key to the secret garden is always buried in our deepest mind, and it takes a little effort to find it. In The Secret Garden, two children found the little haven of their own, and their fates changed.

Before arriving in Yorkshire, England, Mary was just a selfish, bad-tempered and strange girl who did not want to talk to anyone and did not like anything about life. Then, when she accidentally obtained the key to the secret garden which had disappeared since ten years ago, everything began to change. Little did she know that she was going to start a journey that would transform herself and people around her, that she would adapt to the new environment and become more mature due to the the endless and unconditional love of nature. And what most commendable is that she not only saved herself but also helped others to believe in the secret garden. Because of the secret garden, she set herself free and learned to be considerate, kind and thankful.

Colin, spoiled, timid, ill, insecure and pessimistic about his whole life, was unable to walk. He was deliberately neglected by his father and had no interest in anything, so he kept a sorrowful and cold face all the time. Meetint his cousin turned his life around. He was introduced to a colorful life full of chirping birds, lovely animals and steady, calming earth. He would experience all kinds of sensations and feel alive and energetic. Cared and comforted by the blossoming trees and lively animals. Colin, starts to walk by himself not to depend on the wheelchair; moreover, he is more confident about his new life.

The secret garden transformed the children, yet the transformation goes both way because it also thrived and became more and more magnificent day by day through the effort and love of these children. To them, it possess a fascinating magic power to beat sadness and drive misfortune away. that can encourage people to obtain the energy to beat the sadness. Together, they gathered power to send a message to Collin’s father and those around them that the secret garden is alive. The secret garden is not a secret anymore but a pretty place where people can refresh their minds and make a new start.

As for me, I have my own secret garden, too. My imaginary garden is buried at the bottom of my heart. I take special care of it, for it is filled with exotic and colorful flowers and rare animals. Whenever I am swamped with the heavy school work and setbacks in my life, I will go to my secret garden to escape and rest for a while. Nature does have an amazing healing power. When in contact with life, I feel calm and all my troubles seem less serious. It also boosts my creativity, helping me come up with new ideas and approaches to things. Like Mary and Collin, I will treasure and nurture it forever.