姓  名 陳崇瑋 學  校 台北市私立薇閣雙語高級中學 年  級 三年丙班



A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time is a book filled with conflict and mystery, portraying the everlasting battle between good and evil. The story starts with a briefing of the Murry family, which has been cast in gloom since the disappearance of their father. The youngest son, Charles Wallace, teams up with his sister Meg and another older boy by the name of Calvin O’Keefe, and the trio sets off into unknown realms on a quest to rescue Mr. Murry and save the world.

The main character, Meg Murry, has never quite got over with the disappearance of her father. She defies her teachers and is considered a challenged child. As the story unfolds, Meg displays her faults, her rashness and fear of the unknown. From her I have seen the true nature of all humanity-we fear the unknown as well as those that we cannot accomplish. But as humans we learn to understand all those faults , and with our hearts we love and embrace all that we treasure, for that is the true meaning of life. In the end, Meg Murry successfully defied the clutches of the abomination IT with overwhelming love, for the very existence of Love is deadly to sinister forces. This showed me that the very thing on sees as ones fatal flaw might be the most powerful weapon one could ever wield.

The youngest son in the family, Charles Wallace, has shocked the family with his uncanny gift of possessing mental maturity higher than others of his age. However, as the adventures carries on to its most perilous climax, Charles Wallace is faced with a crisis as his weaknesses are exposed to the enemy IT. Charles Wallace is proud, though he seldom showed this trait, and it was his arrogance that caused him to succumb to the clutches of IT. From Charles Wallace’s example I have realized the vitality of humility. Sometimes we find ourselves gifted with talents and skills by God himself, but remember that He is equal to all. With these gifts we are in some way left vulnerable, and only by keeping our heads low and maintaining our humility can we prevent these gifts from going to waste.

The last of the trio is a boy of fourteen by the name of Calvin O’Keefe. Unlike the Murry siblings, Calvin is popular and loved at school. On a typical day, he meets the two Murrys, and after a short conversation, he understands his misconception of the two and they become friends. During their quest, many a times Calvin stood up for Meg and protected her. He acted as the cement of the trio, for it was he who prevented the three from getting separated. Calvin was the one who inspired me to accept differences between individuals and protect all those that are in need.He stands for the strength and power of the individual. One must always stand strong in the most dire difficulties.

After finishing A Wrinkle in Time, I have understood that the beauty of books lies not in its plot or theme but rather the hidden meaning in the words. From Meg Murry, Charles Wallace and Calvin O’Keefe I have learned valuable lessons that will prove to be the making of myself in the future. Every time when I am depressed or on the verge of giving in, A Wrinkle in Time has always been by my side, a beacon of light that guided me back to the shore. From time to time the letters on the yellowed paper have reminded me that there is always one that loves you from deep within, for it is love that causes anguish and sorrow. And when one acknowledges this fact, hence stops the depression, for the light that one finds will outshine the shadow within oneself. We all have our faults, for we are all living beings; what separates humanity from animals is that we learn to accept those differences and faults-we love and embrace instead of tearing one another apart. Never has a Wrinkle in Time failed to surprise me with another implicit lecture of life hidden in its pages, and I definitely don’t regret choosing this book for reading.