
[ 2020-07-21 ]

〈談文論譯〉前修未密,後出轉精 ─ 重譯「時陰時陽」與「介於陰陽之間」 蘇正隆

昨天我在貼文中提到 (採檢結果) 介於陰陽之間,舉的例子是: 
“…an increased number of tests with ambiguous results leading to challenges in health care support.” 所以我說「介於陰陽之間」可譯成 “tests with ambiguous results”。

今天,我們在國家教育研究院李振清教授主持的「雙語詞彙審譯會」上熱烈討論了我提議跟疫情有關的用語。英國律師 Peter Whittle 建議把「介於陰陽之間」譯為 inconclusive test result,我們都同意這是比 tests with ambiguous results 更好的翻譯。

我查到美國退伍軍人部 (Department of Veterans Affairs) 網站對 inconclusive test result 有以下解釋:
An "inconclusive" result might mean "insufficient" or "indeterminate." "Insufficient" simply means that there was a problem with the sample you provided that prevented it from being tested at all. "Indeterminate" means that the test didn't provide a clear negative or positive result.

我昨天提的 (檢驗結果)「時陰時陽」是 “testing positive and negative on and off; fluctuating between positive and negative” 根據的語料是:
“I am currently infected with Covid-19 in Brisbane, Australia. ... for 17 days and testing positive and negative on and off.”; “fluctuates between positive and negative”。

今天我們討論的結果則是譯為 inconsistent test results。五月五日 San Francisco Chronicle 上就有一篇報導檢驗結果「時陰時陽」的文章:Why some coronavirus patients are getting inconsistent test results?

翻譯,尤其是中譯英,很難一步到位,往往需集思廣益、多方考證、仔細推敲、不斷琢磨。更不能敝帚自珍,要勇於放棄,才能「前修未密,後出轉精」。(Jerome Su, May 18, 2020)