
[ 2020-07-21 ]

〈談文論譯〉防疫旅遊,安心旅遊,踩線團 的英文? 蘇正隆

由於疫情趨緩 (epidemic slowdown),觀光局推防疫旅遊,最快五月下旬上路, “... 其中第一階段就是和旅行公會合作,祭出「踩線團」,推「防疫旅遊」”; “交通部先推出「防疫旅遊」(pandemic-safe travel) 與「安心旅遊」(worry-free travel) 兩階段,防疫旅遊指防疫不鬆懈的 ... 至國內各景點踩線…”; “... 交通部祭出20億搶救國旅分三階段振興旅遊業,以空曠景點優先規畫 ... 分三階段振興旅遊業,由「踩線團」防疫旅遊先發,再擴大國旅推安心旅遊...”。

5/18日我們在國家教育研究院的「雙語詞彙審譯會」上決議將「防疫旅遊」譯為 pandemic-safe travel,將「安心旅遊」譯成 worry-free travel。像這類口號大概很難靠 Google 搜索,找到英美現成的英譯來參考,所以主要是審譯會上幾位外籍顧問集思廣益討論出來的貢獻。

至於「踩線團」呢?我想踩線就是先行探路,了解、熟悉一條旅遊路線的行程、景點特色、餐宿等。先假設會不會叫 fact-finding tour?但那比較像「調査旅行」。接著試著輸入familiarization, tourism 兩個關鍵字,就跑出不少有關Familiarization (FAM) Trip 的資料,意思接近我們的「踩線團」,觀光旅遊業行話稱 fam trip。Glossary for Hotel Revenue Management 對 fam trip 有以下解釋:
FAM Trips are trips organized by travel providers (can be a Tour Operator, an Airline, a Hotel Chain, a Tourism Board or other Destination Marketing Organizations) with the purpose of educating about their products & services and promoting them. (Glossary for Hotel Revenue Management)

Destination marketing organizations are organizations responsible for promoting a community as an attractive travel destination and enhancing its public image as a dynamic place to live and work.

譬如彰化、雲林、嘉義觀光局、飯店、農會與旅遊業合作,端出最好的菜,供踩線團體驗,以促銷當地旅遊及農特產品,就是目的地行銷 (Destination marketing),而這些配合單位機構就是 Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs)。(Jerome Su, May 19, 2020)