
[ 2020-07-21 ]

〈談文論譯〉「教室規則」英文不是 *Classroom Regulations   蘇正隆


前幾天去某大學評鑑,看到該校應用英語系許多英文標示都不夠到位,譬如把「教室規則」譯為 *Classroom Regulations,這在台灣倒很普遍,大家以訛傳訛,習以為常。

在中學裡我們都學過 RuleRegulation,中文都叫「規則」,考試時都這麼寫,卻很少去關注 Rule 和 Regulation 有何不同?

Quora 網站上對 Rule 和 Regulation 的區別講得很清楚:
Rules are instructions for how to do things correctly. Regulations are rules that are enforced by law. Rules are the set of instruction that tell us the way things are to be done. Regulations are the rules which are authorized by legislation.

Rule 和 Regulation 都有「規則;規定;規範」的意思,但 Rule 不像Regulation 那樣具法律上的強制力,所以 Regulation 比較接近中文的「法規」。因此,我們若 break the rules,有可能是正面的,如:Break the Rules and Win More Business,但 break the regulations,有可能挨罰。如下例:

What happens if I break the Regulations? The possible penalties are explained clearly in section 3 of the regulations for the use of computing facilities…

以下三份英文「教室規則」供大家參考。(Jerome Su, May 3, 2020)

Top 10 Classroom Rules for Elementary School Students
1.Be on time at the beginning of the day and after lunch or recess breaks.
2.Come prepared with supplies and completed homework.
3.Be kind, polite, and courteous to others.
4.Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
5.Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and property.
6.Listen to the teacher and classmates, and follow directions.
7.Work hard, and always do your best.
8.Be safe!
9.Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class or if you need to leave the classroom for any reason (e.g., going to the bathroom, visiting the nurse, etc.)
10.Obey all school rules. (Magoosh for Schools)
Zoom Class Rules
Establish your online classroom rules! Simply share this in your class' LMS or Google Classroom. You can also display this at the beginning of each class session as a reminder for students. You can do that on Zoom by sharing your screen during the first few minutes of the meeting as you wait for participants to join. (Teachers Pay Teachers)
(Jerome Su, May 3, 2020)