
[ 2020-05-20 ]

疫情英文: 佛系防疫,防疫破口英文怎麼說?   蘇正隆

佛系防疫 lenient attitude towards infection prevention and control

防疫破口 creating a breach in disease prevention efforts; a breach in infection prevention and control measures

罹患率 attack rate
In epidemiology, the attack rate is the biostatistical measure of frequency of morbidity, the percentage of the population which contracts the disease, in an at risk population. It is used in hypothetical predictions and during actual outbreaks of disease. Wikipedia

拭子送檢 take a swab for a test
(拭子 swab,即供塗拭的醫用棉花棒。)

採集檢體送驗 specimen collection and inspection

排除病毒 detoxification of virus

排毒時程 detoxification period
the period of time that the body is allowed to process or metabolize toxins in the system and clears their toxic influence.

免疫風暴 (細胞激素風暴) cytokine storm

新興傳染病 emerging infectious disease

呼吸器 ventilator (注意:通風機,通氣孔也是ventilator)

耳溫槍 infrared ear thermometer

額温槍infrared forehead thermometer
(博君一笑:*Google Translate : Forehead gun)
(Jerome Su, April 6, 2020)