
[ 2020-05-20 ]

〈談文論譯〉Coordinator & Director 中文怎麼說?   蘇正隆

各國政府單位在遭逢重大災害時通常會成立「緊急應變小組」 (Emergency Response Team) 或「專案小組/任務小組/對策任務」(Task Force)。

美國白宮在元月底成立 White House Coronavirus Task Force (白宮冠狀病毒任務小組),2月26 日任命副總統 Mike Pence 為主席 (Chair of White House Coronavirus Task Force),無任所大使 Ambassador-at-Large Deborah Birx 為召集人 (Response coordinator for White House Coronavirus Task Force),小組的重要成員還包括國家過敏與傳染病研究院院長Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases。

奇怪的是有媒體把 Coordinator (召集人) 譯成*協調員,把 Director (院長) 譯為*主任。

Coordinator 是 someone whose job is to make different groups work together in an organized way to achieve something. We've just appointed a coordinator who will oversee the whole project. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Director 是 the head or chief of an organized occupational group (such as a bureau, foundation, institute, or school) (Merriam-Webster)

我們會把「xx 專案小組」的召集人稱為*協調員,「xx 研究院」的首長稱為*主任嗎?
Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx speaks with US President Donald Trump and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci during a Coronavirus Task Force press briefing in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC, on March 29, 2020.
Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths ‘if we do things almost perfectly’ (NBC News)

〔編譯張沛元/綜合報導〕美國白宮三月三十一日估計,即便落實閉校、禁止大型集會、限制旅行與強迫居家等社交疏離準則,美國仍將會有十萬到二十四萬人死於武漢肺炎(COVID-19),… 白宮冠狀病毒工作小組協調員柏克斯(Deborah Birx)、美國國家過敏與傳染病研究院(NIAID)主任佛奇(Anthony Fauci)稱此為「我們的真實數字」…。
(Jerome Su, April 3, 2020)
機構的首長 (director) 通常依該機構名稱來譯其職銜,如果是「局/院/處/館」,就譯為「局長/院長/處長/館長」,如:Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (中央情報局局長);Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (聯邦調查局長)。