適讀年齡: 5-8歲 / Grade Level:Kindergarten and up / Lexile Measure: AD560L
1983年 紐伯瑞銀獎 Newberry Honor
波士頓環球報號角書獎Boston Globe-Horn Book Award
老鼠牙醫地嗖頭和他的妻子開了一間牙醫診所,地嗖頭的醫術很高明,吸引了很多其他動物來看病。為了保護自身的安全,地嗖頭拒絕為對老鼠有危險性的動物看牙齒。有一天,一隻狐狸來找地嗖頭看病,狐狸看起來牙齒非常疼痛,地嗖頭不忍拒絕而和妻子一起為狐狸拔牙。牙齒逐漸康復的狐狸因為牙齒不疼了,顯露出想吃地嗖頭夫妻的壞心眼。 地嗖頭以他的冷靜與智慧克服了這一個危機。他告訴狐狸要為他塗上一種讓他永不蛀牙的藥,等塗完後,地嗖頭才告訴狐狸這個藥會讓他暫時打不開嘴巴,大不開嘴巴的狐狸只好打消吃掉地嗖頭夫妻的頭回家去了。
Doctor De Soto, the dentist, did very good work." With the aid of his able assistant, Mrs. De Soto, he copes with the toothaches of animals large and small. His expertise is so great that his fortunate patients never feel any pain.
Since he's a mouse, Doctor De Soto refuses to treat "dangerous" animals--that is, animals who have a taste for mice. But one day a fox shows up and begs for relief from the tooth that's killing him. How can the kindhearted De Sotos turn him away? But how can they make sure that the fox doesn't give in to his baser instincts once his tooth is fixed? Those clever De Sotos will find a way.
裝訂:平裝 /32頁
尺寸:25.3 x 21.5 x 0.4 cm