【米諾陶洛斯X喀爾克的宮殿X金羊毛的故事】Easy Classics: Adventures of Three Greek Heroes 希臘英雄故事
<牛怪米諾陶>米諾陶洛斯是半人半牛的怪物,他的存在是波賽頓為了報復食言的國王彌諾斯,而讓彌諾斯之妻帕西淮愛上克里特公牛,米諾陶洛斯便是帕西淮與公牛結合後的產物亦是神的懲罰。他長大後性情乖戾,並被關在巨大的迷宮裡...故事描述雅典英雄希修斯如何破解迷宮,以及消滅人身牛頭的米諾陶。克里特島國王米諾斯為米諾陶蓋了一座迷宮。因國王的兒子被雅典人殺害,遂起兵攻打雅典,為平息國王的怒火,雅典人答應每九年送七對童男童女進貢,但在第三次進貢時,怪物米諾陶終於被聰明的希修斯斬除了。 <女妖瑟西的宮殿>描述尤里西斯在特洛伊戰爭後返家的途中,如何幸運逃過女妖的迷惑,安然回到家鄉。隱居在艾尤島的喀爾克以強大的黑魔法、變形術語幻術聞名,她能將人變成豬,也可以用幻術將日月隱蔽使大地一片漆黑。女妖假意盛情地邀請他的船員到島上大餐一頓,但卻讓吃下食物的船員們全都變成了豬...尤里西斯因天使荷密斯 (Hermes) 的協助,不受瑟西與島上女妖們的迷惑,解救了變成豬的屬下,將他們恢復為人身。
You have probably read shorter versions of these famous legends in other books. Here you can enjoy a more elaborate recounting of these 3 famous tales. Follow Theseus through the labyrinth built by Daedalus and witness the slaying of the monstrous Minotaur. Discover the secret of Ulysses victory over Circe, a wicked queen who turns people into animals that resemble their character. Then sail with Jason and the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece, that's protected by a fierce dragon. These are stories that form the basis of western literature and give us an insight into the foundations of western culture.