

名次 姓名 學 校 班級 心得
1 賴宜濂 天主教曉明女子高級中學 二 年 丁 班 Between Shades of Gray
趙麗蓮基金會特別獎 林殷竹 國立宜蘭高級中學 三 年 十三 班 Holes: What we lack in our lives
2 全 奕 臺北市立和平高級中學 三 年 十 班 The Little Prince: Simple are the Things Valuable
3 出鎮魁 新竹市立建功高級中學 六 年 二 班 A Wrinkle in Time
4 許郡倫 台北市私立奎山實驗高級中學 一 年 一 班 The Trumpet of the Swan
5 蔡立晨 國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學 一 年 1453 班 Life of Pi







首先談原創性。顧名思義,原創性就是要跟他人不同,要讓讀者有驚豔的閱讀震撼,除了表現在獨特的想法和見解之外,在字詞的選取,結構的配置,甚至寫作的風格,都有值得注意的地方。避免使用約定成俗的既定片語和表達方式,如 It goes without saying that,It cannot be denied that,So far as I am concerned 等之類的「萬能」語句,這種幾乎可以符合所有狀況的文字,就像號稱治百病的「萬靈丹」一樣,空話而已,無法針對小說故事做出實質感人的回應。又譬如說,"Besides, the world is a global village. As a big family, people should be united and help each other"。兩個句子傳達的觀念十分正確,但一來太過空洞,幾乎可以套用到任何關於現代家庭的正向小說。二來,兩者之間沒有明顯的邏輯關係;地球村,大家庭和團結合作之間或許有關係,但話沒說清楚講明白,只是把它們兜在一塊,就像把政治正確的言詞,在沒有任何佐證的情況下放置在一起,只會導致空口說大話,徒增讀者困惑。在結構上,似乎許多同學在第一段都會表達對選取小說的整體感覺,而大部分都傾向一開始採取負面態度,不是那麼喜歡,很討厭,或是很無聊等,閱讀過程開時發現這本小說的優點,最後來個「好高興我有機會讀到這本小說真是收穫滿滿」之類的結論,不然就是受到鼓舞和啟發,接著會很無俚頭硬要加上一句道德教訓,where there is a will, there is a way,或是 rolling stone gathers no moss,不然就是 spare the rod and spoil the child。我們的經驗是,這種不帶有任何個人獨特性的諺語,能少用就少用。不過,同學似乎都覺得心得一定得跟「學到什麼」有關,而「學到什麼」必定具備道德色彩和人性光明面。所謂原創,不見得會和道德色彩和人性光明面抵觸,但一味執意以道德色彩和人性光明面做為訴求,而無視故事的獨特性,扼殺了作家想要表達的真正企圖,就跟創意扯不上邊了。在一篇談 The Catcher in the Rye 的心得裡,作者說,"I'm fascinated with the symbol 'the catcher in the rye.' The catcher in the rye is like a friend who will always stand by me, protect me, no matter what condition I am in. If I go astray, he will pull me back and guide me. He is a companion who will comfort me....",話說得都沒錯,也頗能說明「友誼」的重要,但假如我們對照一下在這些文字的上一段作者所引用的原文,就會發現有些地方就是兜不攏:"I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all";根據原文的描述,這位自稱catcher in the rye 的敘述者就不可能會 "always stand by me",而當你 "go astray" 時,他不會 pull you back,也不會 guide you,因為只有在你陷入真正危險時,他才會伸手救援,至於他是不是 a companion who will comfort you,恐怕也是很大的問題。有創意的心得,必須要細心讀懂作家的創意。

其次是飽和度。飽和的文章會給讀者一份言之有物的真實感,讓讀者願意相信作者所傳達的訊息。不飽和的文章總是流於空泛,總是充滿不是「心有所感而有所得」的東西,總是堆砌(華麗的)文藻而無法呈現真實的心得。譬如結論這麼寫,"After reading this book, there are many meaningful things that I will bear in mind and learn from them. Every role and line in this book are worth reading again and again." 在此句子中,我們不知道 many meaningful things 指的是什麼,而「每個角色和每一行字都值得一讀再讀」也讓我們很好奇,這本小說恐怕可以比得上西方的《聖經》,就像「史上最強」之類的流行說法,無法取信於人。何況這樣的結論可以適用任何一本小說,完全無法顯示該本小說的特色。另外,小心使用形容詞,譬如說,"While I was reading a great number of ridiculous things that Anne had done, I always cannot help but wear a faint smile on my face, because she was so innocent, childish and naive." 在這個句子裡,雖然四個形容詞都和 Anne 有關,但讀者對這個女孩卻只能得到一個模糊抽象的形象,即使再多加上五個形容詞,情況不僅不會改善,很有可能會讓讀者更加困惑。我們感興趣的是,Anne 到底做了什麼「荒謬」的事,是否也可以舉些實例,讓讀者瞭解為什麼Anne 是 innocent, childish and naive,只有實際的例子能讓形容詞有發揮功效的空間,否則只是不著邊際的文字堆積而已。

最後是內聚力。所謂內聚力就是一致性。文章的中心思想是維繫一致性的主要關鍵,所有的元素和成分,都必須在嚴謹的邏輯下形成前後連貫相互呼應的緊密張力,譬如說,文章以這樣開頭,"The duality of man is pervasive in every corner of our lives. As Newton stated, for every action, there is a reaction. For life, there is death. For god, the devil. For Adam, Eve." 在第一句提到 duality(二元)之後,立刻就以 action/reaction, life/death, god/devil, Adam/Eve 的二元對立來說明文章的主題,從物理現象,生命現實,宗教信仰,到兩性關係,相當簡潔有力,這就有了一致性。(當然,作者要小心的是,因為有了 god/devil 的對比,因此斜線左邊的似乎都代表正面,而右邊則是負面,那麼 god = life = Adam 和 devil = death = Eve 的強烈暗示,恐怕會引起無謂的爭議。)再舉一例,"As a child, I yearned for the idea of freedom in one's immaturity; however, these so-called 'coming-of-age' novels I have read were approximately dull adults' sincere advice, with all kinds of candy-coated techniques, trying to paralyze teens like me into waving goodbye to their childish thoughts, and drowning into the mundane affairs for the real spirit of 'growing up'." 作者很清楚表明就是不想長大,就是要享受自由,但大人卻用盡甜言蜜語要他揮別童年,我們看到 freedom 是以大人的口吻解釋成 immaturity 和 childish,而大人的伎倆則是 sugar-coated techniques 和 sincere advice,但都是用來「癱瘓」(paralyze)像他一樣的青少年,這一小段的寫作風格定位在諷刺挖苦上,而整段用字遣詞都能保持這樣的一致性,清楚表達了作者的立場。(就內容而言,如前所述,是屬於「由厭轉愛」的那一型,在這方面就較沒有創意。)段落與段落之間,不必然非用連綴詞(however, nevertheless, moreover 等)不可,而是以語氣和意義來承接前後段落必然的邏輯關係。所謂「承接」,就是要有議論觀點上啟承轉合的流暢發展,千萬不要在不同段落談論完全相同的概念。尤其是這麼短的一篇心得報告,段落不用太多,多了容易離散張力,鬆垮無力而凌亂失序。


修改範例-Me Before You

Louisa Clark is unemployed and badly needs a job, so she goes to work for Will Traynor, a quadriplegic by car accident. These two never met before and they didn’t like each other in the beginning, but when Louisa overhears that Will has made up his mind to end his life in six months, as he has promised his mother that he would, she decides to step in and let him know that his life is still worth living. She encourages the Traynors and Will to try things that a quadriplegic can do. Louisa and Will even manage to take a trip to Mauritius with the help of Nathan, Will’s primary caregiver. Louisa gives it her all so that she may change Will’s mind before it is too late.

The end of the novel makes me feel depressed and enormously guilty. It takes me quite a while to accept Will’s final decision to end his life with the help of a suicide organization. Yet, despite its largely imperfect characters, the story resonates with me. Jojo Moyes, author of Me Before You, manages to show both people’s strengths and weaknesses through these unique characters, while I get a chance to ponder on the right to die. Louisa gives Will love. She is pretty much the only reason why Will wants to get up in the morning. Nevertheless, love isn’t enough for Will to want to keep on living. But is Will wrong? Does this just mean that he is a selfish person who cares only about himself? I really doubt it. Will is by no means a careless man. In his heart he knows exactly what he wants. Life before the accident was full of charm, so much so that it becomes increasingly hard to accept the inevitability of a life deteriorating in the wheelchair.

“But I want him to live if he wants to live. If he doesn't, then by forcing him to carry on, you, me—no matter how much we love him—we become just another shitty bunch of people taking away his choices.”—I can't agree with this more! We can only help those who sincerely want to be helped. Although a small decision may forever change one’s life, we can never be sure if the decision is right. When a person finally realizes what he or she wants after carefully weighing all the options, it would be more appropriate to respect their decision, no matter how heartbreaking it may be for others.

In the end, Will passes away peacefully as he has wished, and Louisa loses her ex-boyfriend, her job, and Will. But Louisa has emerged a whole new person because of Will. What impact Will has on Louisa also inspires me—we only live once, and it is our duty to live as fully as possible. I have come to realize that although we may stumble in a new world and feel a tag uncomfortable away from our comfort zone, we should hang on to life bravely. Do not let the result of one mistake be the thing that defines ourselves. We have the choice to not let that happen, and we can decide who we are and who we want to be.

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