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Charlotte's Web

All too often, we take friendship for granted and live our lives to satisfy our own immediate needs and concerns. However, there is an incredible beauty in acting selflessly, not because of any desire to improve one’s own standing in life, but to help lift others up. Charlotte’s Web is a barnyard fable about a pig that is fated to be killed for food, and his friend, a small spider, who works tirelessly to save him, up until the day she herself dies. The book is very moving and imparts values such as the importance of friendship and the necessity of strong communities.

The book begins with the birth of Wilbur. Though he was supposed to be killed, Wilbur is saved by the kindness of a young girl who despises the unnecessary killing of an animal. Wilbur grows and eventually moves to a farm and meets many different barnyard animals, including a spider, Charlotte. He initially views her as bloodthirsty and cunning, but tells himself to keep an open mind. His willingness to look beyond the surface of her character eventually leads to a powerful and lasting friendship.

Wilbur finds out that the farm owners are fattening him up so that they can kill him. Charlotte comforts him and tells him that she will save him regardless of risk to herself. This exemplified the absolute devotion of one friend to another. Charlotte was protecting Wilbur’s life, but she was also protecting his innocence. By concocting her master plan to help Wilbur survive, she gives him comfort and strength in his hour of need, but also protects him from his own inexperience and allows him to be a naive and happy pig.

The life cycle of a spider is short. As Charlotte wonders aloud, “what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die.” Charlotte is old for a spider, and is nearing the end of her life cycle. She has much knowledge, but is fated to die soon. She gives her life value by using her own skills to help others. She tells Wilbur that, “a spider's life can't help being something of a mess... By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that.” These values are something that I believe the world strongly needs. As an individual, one is limited in what they can accomplish. But by developing friendships and lasting bonds, one can synchronize the meaning of their own life with the lives of their friends and those they care about.

Charlotte helps Wilbur through all the trials that he faces, eventually losing her own life as she saves him from death. As she passes away, she leaves behind an egg sac, containing all her unborn children, that she implores Wilbur to take care of. Wilbur, now with a better understanding of the world and more strength, agrees and helps bring Charlotte’s children into the world.

I was moved to tears by the book. To me, it represented an ideal – a community that was made strong by love for another and loyalty and commitment to help others in their time of need. Charlotte was at the center of this community, and I mourned her passing just as Wilbur did. Even within the limitations of her short lifespan, Charlotte was able to make changes through Wilbur that would last for generations after her. Wilbur also was able to grow and mature because of the presence of Charlotte, who mentored him and guided him through his harsh trials. In the end, he is able to reciprocate, helping to raise some of Charlotte’s children and passing on Charlotte’s legacy to them. After I finished reading the book, I thought about those who had sacrificed to raise me up, and those whom I may be able to help in the same way. Though the path may be difficult, I felt hope that, in some way, I could act like Charlotte did and leave the world in a better place than I found it.