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The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

Is it possible for a firm friendship to exist between two hostile nations? During the World War II, tens of thousands Jews were killed in every horrible way that all of us can never think of today. The Nazi party had enacted a policy—known as ethic cleansing, for they claimed that the Jews were an evil tribe. Though many Germans didn’t understand the exact reason why the government killed the Jews, they couldn’t pluck up the courage to save those innocent Jews from Holocaust. Hence, thousands of Jews lived in endless nightmare. What caused this hatred? Did they really hate each other? I cannot not help but wonder if any friendship existed between both Germans and Jews.

Unlike novels such as The Diary of a Young Girl, this book is written through a nine- year-old German boy’s eyes. I think it is a new experience to see what it was like then through a German boy’s view. Bruno met Shmuel beside the fence of the concentration camp. Naïve as Bruno was, he could hardly imagine how much Shmuel suffered from soldiers’ evil treatment. For Bruno, Shmuel was his best friend, just a little different from other boys back in Berlin. However, both Father’s and Gretel’s words implied there was something to do with “the Opposite” and “Jews.” A debate occurred in Bruno’s mind: were they really so different? Despite the fact that he looked healthier than Shmuel, he could not see the authentic difference. At such empty and desolate place as Out-With, Shmuel’s friendship was really precious and warm.

“I’ve never spoken to him, I’ve never seen him before in my life. I don’t know him.” Even though they were best friends, Bruno denied their friendship because of fear. But it was then that he knew how priceless their friendship was. Bruno felt extremely depressed, for he always thought of himself as a good person. How could he do this to his friend? Ultimately, courage defeated fear. Bruno clarified his attitude and apologized to Shmuel. When Shmuel lifted his hand and reached Bruno’s on the other side of the fence, tears dropped down my face. I have witnessed the firmest and purest friendship between two innocent boys. It doesn’t really matter that Bruno was the son of the German commandant, and it doesn’t really matter that Shmuel was a Jew. What really matters is their understanding of each other. The friendship they shared is like a candle shining alone in a stormy night, which seems weak but sturdy ever.

At that period of hard times, it’s undoubtedly tough to stand out for the Jews. But there was no door that could not be opened. Through compassion, I believe Bruno had created his own way to cross the gap between these two different nations. There is no race that is inferior and evil. It is simply the lack of understanding and tolerance. In spite of their different background, Bruno and Shmuel were willing to put each other in their shoes. It is the strength of friendship that breaks the harmful fence without any wound. I am left with no doubt that their friendship is unbreakable.

Well goes a saying that “The only unsinkable ship is friendship.” Bruno and Shmuel shared an extraordinary or even incredible connection. Their friendship not only broke the invisible gap between the Germans and the Jews but rekindled a hope in their mind. Though Holocaust is a disaster in human history, the power of love and compassion can always lighten up the gloom.