
[ 2020-04-17 ]

<談文論譯>中文英文裡的矛盾詞 (contronyms)   蘇正隆

另一個大家耳熟能詳的例子是「大敗」:昨晚台灣隊大敗日本隊 (台灣隊贏);昨晚資格賽台灣對科威特,台灣隊大敗 (台灣隊輸) 。
這種現象並非中文獨有,英文裡也不乏這類的詞彙,在辭典學/語言學裡叫 contronym/contranym (矛盾詞) 或 Janus word (雙面詞)。傑拿斯 (Janus) 是羅馬神話中具有前後兩個面的雙面神。
2/13 Guardian 及 CNN 報導川普的好友,「喬」事專家 (political fixer) Roger Stone 給起訴 (後來判了刑),本來提名擔任財政次長、負責金融犯罪的Jessie Liu,沒把 Stone 這案子給「罩」住,讓川普很不爽,因此丟官 (her oversight of the prosecution of Stone cost her a top job at the treasury)。
報導中出現的 oversight 是兼有兩種相反含義的詞 (contronym/contranym),可以是「疏忽」,也可指「督導」。
“a senior law enforcement official quit after her oversight of the prosecution of Stone” … The abrupt resignation of Jessie Liu, who previously led the US attorney’s office in Washington, poured fresh fuel on a political fire lit by the president’s perceived interference at the justice department. …
She reportedly resigned from the treasury department on Wednesday evening after her nomination as its under-secretary (次長) for terrorism and financial crimes, a Senate-confirmed position, was unceremoniously pulled (遭粗暴地拔除) by Trump in what appeared to be retaliation.” 
在上述報導中的 oversight 也許可以譯為「罩不住」。
除了 oversight 兼有 fail to notice something <whether by oversight or intention (疏忽或故意) > 及 to supervise something <congressional oversight (國會監督) > 兩種相反涵義外,還有 ‘sanction’ can mean both ‘penalty’ (制裁)  and ‘official permission’ (批准); ‘unqualified’ can mean ‘not fit’ (不適任) and ‘without reservation’ <you have my unqualified support (我無條件/全力支持你) >。
巧合的是,中文的「完了」和英文的 Finished 一樣,有「完成」(Completed) 及「完蛋」(Destroyed) 兩種相反含義。(Jerome Su, March 2, 2020)