
[ 2020-04-17 ]

〈談文論譯〉安心就學方案 英文怎麼說?    蘇正隆

Q:蘇老師,您好:目前教育部推動「安心就學」方案,讓無法返校就學的學生,可以利用實時授課或線上課程修課。請問「安心就學」方案如何翻譯較妥適呢?想用 Study at ease project,但看起傾向輕鬆學習,沒有安心的意思。所以想請教如果用 Project of reassured study,是否可以表達完整呢?

A:「安心就學」方案 ,可譯為:Stay Home Stay Safe Study Program。 

加拿大有針對偏遠地區原住民有類似的「在家就學」方案 (Stay at Home Learning Program)

Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoplessencanada.ca › Content › Sen › Committee › APPA
Ms. Massie: We have a very active stay-at-home learning program. Some of them are doing long-distance education right in the home. Some of the high school ...

以下為 ProgramProject 的不同:
A project represents a single, focused endeavor. A program is a collection of projects – together all the projects form a connected package of work. The different projects complement each other to assist the program in achieving its overall objectives.
What is a Program in Project Management? - Wrike
(Jerome Su, Feb 14, 2020)