
[ 2020-03-09 ]

<談文論譯> “How’s” vs. “How was”   蘇正隆

你的日本之行如何?可以說 *How’s your trip to Japan? 嗎 ?  

How’s 是 how is, how has 及 how does 的縮簡。
"how's that taste" About 61,700 results
"how does that taste" About 60,400 results

"how's your day going" About 500,000 results
"how is your day going" About 261,000 results

"how has your day been" About 113,000 results
"how's your day been" About 104,000 results

但 How was 只能規規矩矩寫 How was,不能縮寫成 *How’s。因此道地的講法是 How was your trip to Japan?

把 How’s 當 How was 用,在台灣很常見,2016 (105) 年科技校院四年制與專科二年制統測英文 (exam.tcte.edu.tw) 就有以下一題:

14. John: How’s your trip to Tainan? Jenny: I tried local snacks and visited some museums.

這句應該是 How was your trip to Tainan? 
見 Google 統計:
"how's your trip to Japan" 10 項結果 (Google May 23, 16)
"how was your trip to Japan"約有 11,200 項結果

"can help ease my anxiety" 約有 3,890 項結果
"can help ease my tension" 2 項結果

(Jerome Su, May 24, 2016, Revised, Jan 20, 2020)