
[ 2019-11-01 ]

<談文論譯>芋頭與 raphides   蘇正隆

學英文多接觸 content-area English 或 CLIL 好處多多,英文知識領域的資料比中文豐富千百倍、可靠度也高很多。茲舉芋頭致癢物質為例:

如果你有削芋頭 (taro) 的經驗,削皮時,芋頭中會滲出一種刺激性 (acrid) 的汁液,皮膚沾上會刺癢,網路有人說這種致癢物叫皂角甙 (saponin)。 (rulichsu.pixnet.net/blog/post/218947784-芋頭營養高,削芋頭手癢之謎)


其實學界一般認為致癢物質主要是芋頭內的草酸鈣 (calcium oxalate) 引起,草酸鈣會形成晶針/針晶 (raphides) 刺激皮膚。底下英文是Wikipedia 對草酸鈣晶針的介紹,照片是顯微鏡底下草酸鈣形成晶針的模樣:

Raphides are needle-shaped crystals of calcium oxalate as the monohydrate or calcium carbonate (碳酸鹽) as aragonite (霰石), found in more than 200 families of plants. Both ends are needle-like, but raphides tend to be blunt at one end and sharp at the other. 

國外學者 R. A. Weber 研究指出,芋頭粘液裡的大量草酸鈣晶針,加熱後並不會破壞減少,但本來游離的晶針會與澱粉分子結合,就不會刺激口腔或皮膚。

Raphides cannot normally be destroyed by boiling; that requires an acidic environment or chemical solvents like ether, but heating raphide containing plant materials (like tubers) can fix the raphides into a dried starchy matrix so they are no longer mobile and thus less harmful. Some other plants store raphides in mucilaginous environments and also do not taste acrid. https://g.co/kgs/dihzH9


多接觸知識領域的英文可以開拓我們的視野,分辨真知識與道聽塗說。(Jerome Su, August 2, 2019) 

Raphide – Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org