
[ 2019-08-20 ]

108年大學指考英文考題 中譯英 參考譯文 Updated July 10, 19

1. 創意布條最近在夜市成了有效的廣告工具,也刺激了買氣的成長。
Creative banners have recently become an effective advertising tool at night markets and have stimulated sales.

2. 其中有些看似無意義,但卻相當引人注目,且常能帶給人們會心的一笑。
  • a. Some of them seem meaningless, but they call attention to shops and their merchandise and often make people smile.
  • b. Some of them seem meaningless, but they are quite eye-catching and often bring people a knowing smile.
  • c. Some of them seem meaningless, but they get your attention and often make you smile.

(書林出版美籍編輯 Rebecca Albee, 英籍顧問 Ian Maxwell, 及 Jerome Su 譯, July 5, 2019)

Translation by a celebrity cram school teacher:

“Creative strips/banners have recently become an effective advertising tool at night markets and have stimulated the growth of buying.
Some of them seem meaningless, but they are quite attractive and often bring people a knowing smile.”

*"stimulated the growth of buying" is quite a clunky construction.
找不到 "stimulated the growth of buying" 的結果。(Google July 10, 19)