
[ 2019-06-26 ]

評108國中教育會考英語科考題   蘇正隆

今年 (2019 ) 教育會考英語科試題取材著重知識領域與日常生活經驗的結合,涵蓋詩歌、路線圖、雜誌專文、新聞網頁、書信等;內容包含親子烹飪、觀光巴士行程、鳥類的行為生態、傳統紙紮與相聲、咖啡的研究、營業調查、以及英國伊莉莎白女王的介紹等,和 2018 指考英文同樣反映了CLIL 或 content-based English learning 的趨勢,值得肯定。


Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in London on April 21, 1926. No one thought one day she (would become) the queen of the UK. After her grandfather, King George V, died in 1936, Elizabeth’s uncle, Prince Edward, became King Edward VIII. Edward (had fallen) in love with a married American woman long before, and he decided to marry her after he became the king. However, Edward was asked to choose between the throne and his love. Finally, he decided to give up the throne.

“Edward (had fallen) in love with a married American woman long before,” 裡的 ‘long before’ 應拿掉,‘had fallen in love with * long before’ 大概是受到中文「早就愛上」影響的表達法。

Google找不到 "in love with a married * long before" 的結果。(5/23/19)

此外 “he decided to marry her after he became the king. However, …” 句中 ‘after he became the king.’ 的定冠詞也應拿掉,除非是 ‘king of xxx’ 才需要加定冠詞。

Google as of 5/23/19: 
"after he became king. However" 約有 11,600 項結果 
"after he became the king. However" 3 項結果 (皆出自2019會考英語試題)

(This changed Elizabeth’s life.) After Edward VIII gave up the throne, Elizabeth’s father became King George VI. As the oldest child without any brothers, Elizabeth became next in line to the throne. She needed to say goodbye to her good old life and prepare to be a queen. After her father died in 1952, she became Queen Elizabeth II.

She needed to say goodbye to her good old life and prepare to be a queen.
句中 ‘say goodbye to her good old life’ 的 good 多餘,可以拿掉,因為前面並未提到以前過著怎樣寫意的生活。

Ever since she became head of her country, Queen Elizabeth II (has worked hard for the UK:) She has held meetings with important people in the UK, and has visited many foreign countries. In the few hours she keeps to herself, however, she reads and enjoys horseback riding.

“In the few hours she keeps to herself, however, she reads and enjoys horseback riding.” 不太自然,可改為 "she enjoys reading and horseback riding."

"she reads and enjoys horseback riding" 2 項結果 (皆出自2019會考英語科試題)
"she enjoys reading and horseback riding" 約有 3,510 項結果

我之前就呼籲過,入學英文考試命題不應由國人自己來,應聘請英語為母語的測驗專家參與,或委由國際認可的專業測驗機構,如 ETS, LTTC 命題,才是根本解決之道。許多外行的政治人物,若發現英文試題出自某處,常會抨擊命題委員偷懶,要求試題不能抄襲,要自己寫。試想,美國人若要檢測中文能力,題目有可能是美國人自己來寫嗎? (Jerome Su, 5/23/19)