
[ 2019-06-26 ]

Does art imitate life, or life imitate art?    蘇正隆

人生模仿藝術或藝術模仿人生 ?

烏克蘭喜劇演員澤倫斯基 (Vladimir Zelenskiy) 有可能成為下一屆烏克蘭總統。他在深受歡迎的電視劇《人民公僕》飾演一位歷史教師意外成為總統而走紅。去年年底他宣布參選總統,昨天開票統計,他已大幅領先第二名的現任總統波洛申科,極有可能當選。

Until recently Vladimir Zelenskiy (澤倫斯基) was known for playing the part of an accidental president in the popular Ukrainian television show Servant of the People (人民公僕). Then on New Year's Eve he announced that life would be imitating art with his candidacy in this year's presidential elections, the first round of which was on 31 March. (BBC)

英國作家 Oscar Wilde 說 "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life." 最近幾天這句話肯定會成為最常受引用的名言金句 (a quotable quote)。 (Jerome Su, April 2, 2019)