
[ 2019-05-10 ]

<談文論譯>domestic workers 是「國內勞工」嗎?   蘇正隆

墨西哥導演艾方索柯朗 (Alfonso Cuaron) 半自傳黑白片「羅馬」(Roma) 拿下奧斯卡最佳外語片與最佳攝影獎,中央社洛杉磯24日綜合外電報導提到艾方索柯朗獲得最佳導演獎時,「在致詞中向世界各地7000萬名國內勞工和原住民女性致敬。…說:我要感謝影藝學院認同這部故事圍繞在一名原住民女性身上的電影。」


既然是「世界各地」,怎麼會是*「國內勞工」? 我們看一下英文報導:

Oscars: Alfonso Cuaron Praises ’70 Million Domestic Workers in the World’ During Acceptance Speech 

Alfonso Cuaron took home the Oscar for best director at the 91st Academy Awards for “Roma” on Sunday night. Cuaron thanked undocumented workers without work rights and the country of Mexico while accepting the award.

“I want to thank the Academy for recognizing a film centered around an indigenous woman. One of the 70 million domestic workers in the world without work rights. A character that has been historically relegated in the backgrounds in cinema,” Cuaron said.

原來是domestic workers,指「家事/家務工」,俗稱「家庭幫傭」呀!同樣,domestic violence 是「家暴」,不是*「國內暴力」!(Jerome Su, Feb 26, 19; Revised Feb 27, 2019)