
[ 2019-05-10 ]

<水果與英文>西番蓮/百香果passion fruit/passion flower   蘇正隆

百香果 (Passiflora edulis, passion fruit/passion flower) 中文正式名字叫「西番蓮」,原產熱帶美洲巴西、巴拉圭等地,17世紀傳入歐洲,西班牙傳教士發現其花外形頗似基督釘在十字架出血形象,因此以 passioflos名之,直譯為耶穌基督受難花 (passion flower)。約30年前,水果商人按西語、法語發音
稱之為「百香果」。學名 Passiflora edulis,必須斜體,首字 Passiflora 是屬名 (generic name) ,必須大寫,意即 passion flower,第二個字 edulis 是種小名 (specific epithet) ,意思是 edible。

百香果日治時代已引進台灣,因為花的外觀像鐘錶,花蕊像時針、分針、秒針,所以日文名為「時計草」(tokeiso),台語也稱之為「時計果」。英文仿西班牙文,因花冠正面像耶穌基督受難,釘在十字架上流血,所以叫 passion fruit/passion flower。常有人不知命名由來,說英文的意思是 *熱情果。根據 Merriam-Webster 大詞典,passion 的5個義項中,第一項是「基督受難」 the sufferings of Christ,第四、第五才是「熱情」(intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction; ardent affection)。


圖 余淑慧 提供

毛西番蓮 (Passiflora foetida)

Weed Passion Flower,Hairy Passifolra‧學名:Passiflora foetida L. var. hispida 


Passiflora foetida ( bush passion fruit, stinking passionflower) is a species of passion flower that is native to the southwestern United States (southern Texas and Arizona), Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and much of South America. It has been introduced to tropical regions around the world,[2] such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Hawaii.[3] It is a creeping vinelike other members of the genus, and yields an edible fruit.[4] The specific epithet, foetida, means "stinking" in Latin and refers to the strong aroma emitted by damaged foliage.[5]

The stems are thin and wiry, covered with minute sticky yellow hairs. Older stems become woody. The leaves are three- to five-lobed and viscid-hairy. When crushed, these leaves give off a pungent odor that some people consider unpleasant. The flowers are white to pale cream coloured, about 5–6 cm diameter. The fruit is globose, 2–3 cm diameter, yellowish-orange to red when ripe, and has numerous black seeds embedded in the pulp; the fruit are eaten and the seeds dispersed by birds.

Passiflora foetida is able to trap insects on its bracts, which exude a sticky substance that also contains digestive enzymes. This minimizes predation on young flowers and fruits.[6] Whether or not it gains nourishment from its prey is uncertain, and it is currently considered a protocarnivorous plant.

‧莖:多年生藤本,莖蔓生,長 1~5 公尺,具多數分枝,密生粗毛,有臭味;枝條細長,長 50~150 公分,外表被有粗毛。
‧葉:葉外形呈卵形至卵狀橢圓形,長 6~12 公分,寬 5~12 公分,先端鈍或圓鈍,基部心形至深心形,紙質至厚紙質,淺三裂,表面散生柔毛,背面密生粗毛;葉脈略呈掌狀,於表面凹下而於背面隆起;葉柄長 3~11 公分,密布粗毛。
‧花:花單生,從葉腋長出,開放時徑約 3~5.5 公分,不具香味,白色或近似白色;花梗長 3~7 公分,略粗壯,有粗毛;苞片 3 枚,綠色,長 1.5~3 公分,寬 1~1.5 公分,二回羽狀絲裂,殘存;萼片 5 枚,長橢圓形,長 1.5~2.5 公分,寬 0.4~0.6 公分,先端鈍,綠色;花瓣 5 枚,白色長橢圓形,長 1.5~3 公分,寬 0.5~0.8 公分,先端鈍,白色;副冠呈絲狀的環狀,基部紫紅色,先端白色。
‧果實:果實為漿果,球形或近似球形,橘黃色,光滑無毛,徑 1.5~2.5 公分,常有殘存的苞片包被果實,但最後苞片會脫落;種子近扁卵形,底部較寬,有突堅,近光滑,有光澤,黑褐色。
‧特性:二年生蔓性草本植物,具難聞的氣味,莖柔弱,圓柱形,密生粗毛,具腋生卷鬚。葉互生,三裂,具密毛,長達 9 公分,3 裂,裂片卵至卵狀長橢圓形,疏生細齒;有長柄,長 3-4 公分;托葉深裂,具腺毛。聚繖花序退化而僅具花1朵,腋生,5 數,直徑 2~3 公分;雌雄同株(單生),顏色白色或粉紅色,具 3 片 3~4 回深羽裂的總苞。漿果卵球形,直徑 2~3 公分,果實由三片羽裂狀的苞片包裹著,熟果呈橙色,果肉味甜。花期 7~8 月,果期 9~11 月。