
[ 2018-12-04 ]

<談文論譯>減弱還是加劇 the storm deteriorated   蘇正隆   

上星期強烈颶風萊恩 (Hurricane Lane) 侵襲夏威夷,周末聽BBC News廣播,檀香山市長 (Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell) 提醒市民保持警戒,不能鬆懈: “to be vigilant and not let their guard down”. 不過接下這句讓我愣了一下,“But he was happy to hear the storm deteriorated.” 他的意思是他很高興已「減弱」(declined/degenerated/downgraded),但 “the storm deteriorated” 也可能指暴風雨「惡化/加劇」 (worsened/got worse)。
加拿大歷史上著名的船難,1804雙桅縱帆船 (twin-masted schooner) HMS Speedy遇暴風雪 (blizzard) 沉沒的記述,就提到暴風雨「惡化」成暴風雪 (the storm deteriorated into blizzard)。
“Speedy and the canoe were separated as the storm deteriorated into blizzard conditions during the afternoon and evening of 8 October.”
Hawaii hurricane: Lane downgraded to tropical storm - CNBC.com; Once-powerful Hawaii hurricane downgraded to tropical storm (TVNZ); Lane downgraded to tropical storm, still poses flooding threat to ... (ABC); Hawaii Emerges From Threat As Storm Veers Away From Islands ... (Weatherbug); Warnings dropped as Lane turns away from Hawaii - WGAL-TV
(Jerome Su, August 30, 2018)