
[ 2018-09-26 ]

大學指考英文試題與CLIL, STEM/STEAM   蘇正隆

近年來無論歐美都强調語文教育應該是content-based, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning),也就是强調學習有知識內容的英文,而不是花大部分時間只學語言的形骸:文法、句型、單詞。
美國近幾年的課程特別重視STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math), 今年指考英文試題也反映了這個趨勢。
「綜合測驗」11-15題組文章內容是講流行詞語與通俗文化;16-20題是關於指甲的醫學知識;「文意選填」21-30題講水產養殖;「篇章結構」31-35題講法國革命; 「閲讀測驗」36-39題講自行車的前身,沒有鍊條、沒有踏板,兩腳觸地的滑跑車;40-43題為無線光通訊 (Li-Fi); 44-47題為地球暖化與大型昆蟲「縮水」的科研報導; 48-51題講農作物的種源庫 (種子銀行) 及資源排擠問題。 除「詞彙題」中有7題不屬於STEAM,基本上其他44題選擇題均屬STEAM的範圍。

國內現在已有一些適合高中的content-based的英文教材,譬如美國TCM的 Exploring Content Area Reading (A-F) 系列 (書林進口),Benchmark的Navigator Reader系列 (書林)。

TCM與史密森博物館合作,明年會推出一大套約 90 冊的TCM STEAM Smithsonian Readers,(敦煌洽商進口中), 在美國是幼兒大班到小 5 的讀本,台灣則適合小學到高一。

What is STEAM?
STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving. (Education Closet - What is STEAM? Website)

Who personifies STEAM?
"...the two people who probably personify STEAM are the Renaissance figures Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti. Although these fierce competitors were known more as painters and sculptors, they were also renowned as inventors, engineers, and scientists. For example, da Vinci conceptualized the helicopter and battle tank and made important discoveries in anatomy, hydrodynamics, and optics.  Michelangelo also worked as an architect and engineer, designing the large dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. These men saw no boundaries between the arts and sciences."  (Sousa, D.A. & Pilecki, T. (2013). From STEM to STEAM)
(Jerome Su, July 9, 18)