
[ 2018-09-26 ]

<談文論譯>NTNU校園標誌的英譯   蘇正隆



  • “To be a human, one must treat oneself harshly but treat others benevolently. To conduct general affairs, one must have a heart that can accommodate a hundred rivers, and allow all to happen.” (Original)

原譯英文也還不錯,但treat oneself harshly不太對勁,「海納百川」直譯為accommodate a hundred rivers也不太好。我先請一位英國文藝青年Ian Maxwell修訂,他改成:
To be human, one must be strict with oneself, but lenient with others. When conducting one’s affairs, be accepting of all things; the world’s multitudes will smooth into one. (First edit)

To be human, one must be strict with oneself, but lenient with others. Doing anything, one must accept all that exists. This way, the world's multitudes will present few problems. (Second edit)

Doing anything, one must accept all that exists and be tactful in resolving problems. (Third edit)
他的答覆是:“Yes, I think your suggestion is the best and most complete so far.”

但我覺得還可再改進。今天我與書林美國編輯 Rebecca Lee討論,最後改成:
To be human, one must be strict with oneself, but lenient with others. In doing anything, one must accept that many possibilities exist and be tactful in resolving problems. 

今天再參酌張錯教授 (Dominic Cheung) 意見修訂為:
One should be strict with oneself, but lenient with others. In doing anything, one should accept that many possibilities exist and be tactful in resolving problems.

為了這一則標語的英譯花了三天,真是「晨夕推敲,句始堪傳。」 (Jerome Su, June 8, 18, Revised June 9, June 10, 2018)