
[ 2018-09-26 ]

<談文論譯>請問「一心二葉」英譯   蘇正隆

Q: 蘇老師午安!我是CR,有個關於茶葉的問題想請教您。
據說茶樹一輪生長期約可長出7~12葉,當最後一葉開展時,枝條頂端會形成「駐芽」,這就是所謂的「一心」, 而在半發酵茶(統稱烏龍茶)中,高級的茶菁應該是要採「形成駐芽的對開葉」,也就是「一心二葉」。請問這個詞譯成英文時,能否用紅茶等級中的pekoe來表達?還是要直譯為One-shoot, two-leaf較為恰當呢?

A: Unless you are an expert in black tea, I don’t think people understand “pekoe” stands for. After some research, I found “three leaves with a terminal bud” (一心三葉) from the following:

“Shoot types: three leaves with a terminal bud, and three leaves without a terminal bud. The shoots were propagated either: inside a polythene ...” Advances in Tea Agronomy (www.cambridge.org/core/books/advances-in-tea.../core-reader)

Emulating the expression, I think we can translate「一心二葉」as “two leaves with a terminal bud.”

中文「駐芽」一般人恐怕不容易懂,係指最頂端的茶芽已停止生長(停駐),這一輪的成長已結束。英文叫resting terminal bud,反而容易。 (Jerome Su, June 14, 2018)