
[ 2018-09-26 ]

<談文論譯>collaborate與cooperate 都是合作,有何不同?   蘇正隆

之前我在「產學合作英文怎麽說?」裡提到「產學合作」英美比較通行的講法是Academia and Industry Collaboration,不是教育部及台灣許多大學網站上的*Industry-Academy Cooperation。有人問Cooperation有什麼不好?

一般英漢詞典裡collaborate與cooperate的解釋都是「合作」,但collaborate是大家同心協力、一起達成目標,合作的意願更積極,方式更主動 (active involvement),比較像【攜手合作】、【通力合作】;cooperate則只是協力、配合。譬如:「盼能與您合作這項計畫」,若說 “to cooperate with you on this project” 當然也無不可,但似乎不夠積極。

透過 Google 統計也可証實這樣的觀察:"to collaborate with you on this project"約有 209,000 項結果;"to cooperate with you on this project" 約有 7 項結果。

以下為English Language & Usage Stack Exchange網站上英語母語專業人士關於collaborate與cooperate討論的摘要:

Cooperating means working with someone in the sense of enabling: making them more able to do something. Collaborating means actually working alongside someone to achieve something. (Jun 6 '11 at 8:35 tastapod)

Cooperate can be used for when someone is said to simply "be compliant" - without proactive involvement; where collaborate does imply a bit more active involvement. (Jun 6 '11 at 8:42 Unreason)

People can "cooperate" with no action at all. (Apr 16 '14 at 14:43 Kristyne Van Skike)

“cooperation can be passive or non-interfering and collaboration is active” (Unreason Jun 6 '11 at 14:54)

English Language & Usage Stack Exchange是專門給語言學家,字源學家及熱心鑽研英語用法的專業人士討論交流的平台。 (Jerome Su, March 8, 18)