
[ 2018-09-26 ]

<談文論譯>古榕神木 (ancient banyan tree) 與菩提樹 (pipal tree)

自由時報2018-02-11《星期專論》有易思安 (Ian Easton)「所以你認為中國會獲勝?」一文,開頭第一段是:


讀後頗為納悶,沒聽過澎湖有延伸達數百呎的「菩提樹」。後來看了Taipei Times 的英文稿是:
Ian Easton on Taiwan: So you think China will win?
Trees growing on the Penghu Islands are often uprooted by the winds that rip across the local landscape every winter. [One ancient banyan tree is considered sacred.] To survive, this tree has grown horizontally, spreading its branches and roots hundreds of feet outward.  (Mon, Feb 12, 2018 - Page 6 Taipei Times)
[*被視為神聖之樹的菩提樹] 原來英文是 “One ancient banyan tree is considered sacred.” 這句中文可譯為「有棵古榕神木」。banyan tree 嚴格來說係指「孟加拉榕」(Ficus benghalensis),台灣及香港、廣州、馬來西亞常見的「細葉榕/正榕」 (Ficus microcarpa) 英文叫 Chinese banyan tree 或 Chinese fig tree;菩提樹 (Ficus religiosa) 英文有幾種說法 pipal tree/bodhi tree/bo tree, 或 sacred fig都可以。 (Jerome Su, Feb 14, 18)