
[ 2018-12-04 ]

<談文論譯>Civic Virtue公德心   蘇正隆

在法國經營共享單車的港商Gobee.bike,因不堪單車頻頻失竊與遭破壞,宣布2/24退出法國市場。Hong Kong-based Gobee.bike pulls out of France after a string of thefts and vandalism. Thousands of its bikes have been stolen or damaged.

這引發當今不少法國人缺乏公德心的話題。關於「公德心」英文怎麼說,網路上有不少討論,有 public-spirited, public-minded, public morality, social morality, public virtue, public ethics, civic-conscious, concern for others等譯法,其中以Google的翻譯最令人噴飯 — 公德心 *Ethical heart ???

Yahoo奇摩知識+上關於「公德心」英文怎麼說的討論,以Ken Liu的探討較為深入,他提出sense of public morality/moral 等英譯。不過好的英譯應該是雙向對應,也就是譯出的英文,在類似語境下回譯成中文就是這樣的講法。譬如網路上有張照片的標題是:“Waste of meals left on a bench, a lack of civic virtue…” 
(飯後垃圾留在公園椅上,缺乏公德心) 。英文若說 *“Waste of meals left on a bench, a lack of sense of public morality…” 是不是不太自然?


「公德心是一種禮貌,也是一種修養。一個社會的文明程度,很易由它的市民的公德心表現看出來。…下面…的行為,都是公德心所不容許的,例如:隨地吐痰;亂拋垃圾;在非吸煙區吸煙;毀壞公物;攀折花草樹木;踐踏禁止踐踏的草地;在公眾場所喧嘩…」(何謂公德心呀? | Yahoo奇摩知識+)

「公德心…是一個人立身處世的基本條件,…沒有公德心的人,都是因為「自私」…交通混亂、排隊秩序不佳、大聲談論等,也都是缺少公德心造成的。」(公德心| 品德教育| 大紀元)

這樣看來「公德心」是指文明社會的公民表現在外的德行,與「熱心公益」(public-spirited/public-minded) 有所不同。「公德心」比較像civic virtue,以下是Wikipedia的解釋:

Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are claimed to be important for the success of the community. Closely linked to the concept of citizenship, civic virtue is often conceived as the dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community even at the cost of their individual interests. …

再看以下的語料:“Waste of meals left on a bench, a lack of civic virtue…”; “it shows a lack of civic virtue”; “exhibit a lack of civic virtue”; “which indicated a lack of civic virtue”; “dysfunctional and lacking in civic virtues” 都可譯為「缺乏公德心」,符合雙向對應的原則。

本文撰寫即將完成時,偶然發現2011年3月30日蘋果日報已有古德明先生提出civic virtues的譯法。(開始、當局、公德心| 蘋果日報| 果籽| 名采| 20110330)   (Jerome Su, Feb 27, 2018)