
[ 2018-04-19 ]

<談文論譯>談簽名Signature or Autograph?   蘇正隆


After delivering a very powerful speech, the award winner was _____ by a group of fans asking for her signature. 
(A)deposited (B) reserved (C) vanished (D) surrounded

中文「粉絲圍著獲獎得主索取簽名」和「在合約、單據上簽名」的「簽名」沒差別,但英文前者會用 “autograph” ,後者會用 “signature”。

"fans asking for her signature" 約有 3 項結果 (其中一例出自107學測)
"fans asking for her autograph" 約有 256 項結果 (as of Jan 29, 2018)

網站hinative.com上對於What is the difference between autograph and signature ?有簡潔的說明: “…autographs usually refer to famous people signing albums, photos, books etc. Signatures usually are for papers, contracts, purchases etc.”
(Jerome Su, Jan 29, 2018)