
[ 2017-12-15 ]

<談文論譯>Q & A 副市長 deputy mayor/vice mayor   蘇正隆

Q: 蘇教授,


A: Dear E,

Here’s my comment for *“# 4.10.7 「副」職翻譯為Deputy特殊情況可按慣例譯為Vice,副市長應譯作Vice Mayor。” ???


大家都知道   Vice 有兩個意思:壞 &

1.     moral depravity or corruption (from Latin vitium: fault, vice)

2.     in the place of/one that takes the place of (from Latin vice,ablative of vicis: one that takes the place of‧vice-chancellor)(https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vice)


1948 , 除約定俗成的   Vice President 等外, 副市長等職銜大多改用   Deputy, 以避免其職銜成為挖苦、嘲弄的對象。請參見   Google Books Ngram1900-2008 的統計。(Jerome, Oct 30, 17)