
[ 2017-09-25 ]

<談文論譯> 翻譯 Q & A   蘇正隆

Scholastic台灣區總經理Sonia問,今年幾系列新出版品的特色都著重在芬蘭教育體系中非常重視的  Positive Education:

1.Learned Optimism

2.Social Engagement





JeromeSu 答覆:學會樂觀,社會參與,知足達觀,强靭抗逆


Learned optimism學會樂觀  is the idea in positive psychology that a talent for joy, like any other, can be cultivated. It is contrasted with learned helplessness. Learning optimism is done by consciously challenging any negative self talk. (Wikipedia)


Social engagement (also social involvement, social participation) 社會參與refers to one's degree of participation in a community or society. (Wikipedia)


Well-Being知足達觀  is “the satisfactory state that someone or something should be in” (Macmillan Eng Dic)

A high level of well-being means in some sense the individual or group's condition is positive. (Wikipedia)


Resilience强靭抗逆 is "the ability …to cope with change" (Wikipedia)

(JeromeSu, August, 10, 2017)