
[ 2016-08-31 ]


104年學測英文科考題出處及評析         文:蘇正隆           英文顧問:Lynn Sauvé


學測英文考題往往成為國內英文教學的重要材料,因此多年來我們都會針對試題的英文本身加以檢視。以下是今年考題中英文可再改善的一些地方。由書林資深美國編輯Lynn Sauvé及師大翻譯所蘇正隆老師就考題中出現英文表達不符英文習慣之處提出修正意見,並以Google搜尋的數據作客觀對比。



5. The airport was closed because of the snowstorm, and our departurefor Paris had to be delayed until the following day.

(A) movement (B) registration (C) tendency (D) departure



透過Google搜尋 (as of Feb 4, 15)──

找不到 "departure for Paris had to be delayed" 的結果。

Paris改成New York結果也一樣。

找不到 "departure for New York had to be delayed" 的結果。


"departure for*had to be delayed until" 約有 0 項結果

但把 “had to bedelayed” 換成 “was delayed” 就有不少例子,見以下:

"departure for*wasdelayed until" 約有 784,000 項結果

"departure for New York was delayed"約有 3,800 項結果


11. To promote the new product, the company offered some free samples before they officially launched it.

(A) contribute (B) impress (C) promote (D) estimate



Google (as of Feb 4, 15) "before they officially launched it" 約有 2,480 項結果


"before the official launch" 則結果增加135倍,約有 337,000 項結果


13. The recent cooking oil scandals have led to calls for tougher regulation of sales of food products.

(A) tolerance (B) guarantee (C) regulation (D) distribution



找不到 "regulation of sales of food products" 的結果

刪去of sales,結果就大不相同:

"regulation of food products"約有 311,000 項結果


14. John should interact more often with his friends and family after work, instead of staying in his room to play computer games.

(A) explore (B) interact (C) negotiate (D) participate



原句太囉嗦,宜改成 "playing games in his room",可比較以下數據:

"staying in his room to play computer games" 3 項結果 (出自104學測英文科考題)

"staying in his room to play games" 2 項結果

"playing games in his room"約有 173,000 項結果

"playing computer games in his room" 約有 2,230 項結果


15. To prevent the spread of the Ebola virus from West Africa to the rest of the world, many airports have begun Ebola screenings for passengers from the infected areas.

(A)screenings (B) listings (C)clippings (D) blockings



伊波拉病毒只要Ebola一詞就夠了,不必說the Ebola virus

"to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus from" 9 項結果

"to prevent the spread of Ebola from" 約有 19,700 項結果


二、綜合測驗 16-20

16. Tai Chi Chuan is a type of ancient Chinese martial art. People practice Tai Chi mainly for its health benefits.



一種中國武術,習慣上會說:“a type of Chinese martial arts”martial arts要用複數形式,見以下不加s與加s出現的數據對比。

"a type of ancient Chinese martial art" 約有 7 項結果

"a type of Chinese martial arts" 約有 49,100 項結果

"a type of Chinese martial art"約有 5,680 項結果


18. These movements, forming an exercise system, allow one to effortlessly experience the vital life force, or the Qi energy, in one’s body.



本句的意思是「the vital life force (生命活力),又稱為Qi ()」。這裡 “or” 中文意思是「即」、「又叫,又稱為」,不是「或者」。“or the Qi energy” 有點畫蛇添足,只要Qi一字就夠了。比較以下數據:

"the vital life force, or the Qi energy" 2 項結果 (皆出自104學測英文科考題)

"the vital life force,or Qi"約有 4,060 項結果





Much like the dove and robin, the bluebird is considered a very lucky sign inmost cultures, particularly when seen in the spring.



國人喜歡濫用very,本題中 " a very lucky sign" 中的very宜刪去。

"is considered a very lucky sign in" 7 項結果 (2104學測英文科考題)

"is considered a lucky sign in" 約有 563 項結果


25. The feathers of peacocks are considered the most unlucky part of the bird because the eye-shaped markings on them are associated with “evil eyes.”



孔雀羽毛直接說peacock feathers就可以了。

"the feathers of peacocks are considered"2 項結果(皆出自104學測英文科考題)搜尋時若加上排除台灣的標記:“-site:tw”

則找不到 "the feathers of peacocks are considered" -site:tw 的結果。

但改成peacock feathers,同樣排除台灣,則得以下結果:

"peacock feathers are considered" -site:tw 約有 51,000 項結果





Tree products have been an important part of diets for thousands of years, from early humans 26 fruits and nuts to the first cultivation of important trees, such as mango and apple.



比較常見的說法是 "an important part of our diet"diet不加s

"an important part of diets for thousands" 6 項結果

"an important part of our diet" 約有 51,400 項結果

"an important part of our diets" 約有 19,600 項結果


出處:5 simple reasons why we should take care of our trees





A paperclip, made of steel wire bent into a hooped shape, is an instrument used to hold sheets of paper together.



Wikipeidapaper clip詞條原文是 "bent into a looped shape",考題打錯,變成" a hooped shape"。不過,"bent into a loop shape" 是更常見的說法。

"bent into a hooped shape" 約有 2 項結果 (出自104學測英文科考題)

"bent into a looped shape" 約有 2,990 項結果

"bent into a loop shape" 約有 71,100 項結果


32. Although the pin was an inexpensive tool and was easily removable, it would leave holes in the paper.



本句中 “ was easily removable” 改成 “was easy to remove”會更自然。

"and was easily removable, it would"1 項結果

"and was easily removable, it" 約有 615 項結果

"and was easy to remove, it" 約有 314,000 項結果






In 2011, they were voted as one of the world’s top five performance groups by audiences of Japan Broadcasting Corporation’s Amazing Voice program.



"were voted as one of the world's top" 句中as一字宜刪去。

"were voted as one of the world's top"  4 項結果 (兩項出自本次學測考題)

"were voted one of the world's top"  約有15,600 項結果



He was worried that the audience would fall asleep since most of the 75-minute performance was a cappella, that is, singing without instrumental sound.



本句中 "singing without instrumental sound" 應改成 “sung without accompaniment”,清唱就是唱歌沒有樂器伴奏。

"that is, singing without instrumental sound" 2 項結果(104學測英文科考題)

"that is, sung without accompaniment" 約有 13,900 項結果

"that is, singing without accompaniment約有 3,110 項結果



Surprisingly, the audience listened with full focus and high spirits.



本句不夠自然,可改成 "audiencelistened attentively and applauded enthusiastically"

"audience listened with full focus" 3 項結果 (皆出自學測及Taiwan Today)

"audience listened attentively" 約有 104,000 項結果

"audience listened attentively and applauded" 約有 153 項結果

"audience listened attentively and applauded enthusiastically" 3 項結果



Now with the children performing the pieces, parents are beginning to ask, ‘Why dowe not know how to sing these ballads?’




"Why do we not know how to sing" 2 項結果 (出自本次學測考題)


"Why do we not know how to do" 3 項結果

"Why don't we know howto do"約有 96,400,000 項結果

因此,Why do we not know how to sing these ballads? 應改為Why don’t we know howto sing these ballads?



Many times nowadays, it is the children who teach the songs totheir parents, puttingback the pieces of a blurred memory.”



"putting back the pieces of a" 通常用在將夢中點滴串連起來,所以後面往往接 "broken dream"

"putting back the pieces of a broken dream" 約有 43,800 項結果

"putting back the pieces of a blurred memory" 3 項結果 (出自本考題及Taiwan Today)

"putting back the pieces of a * memory"  3 項結果 (出自本考題及Taiwan Today)



"bringing back a*memory" 約有 30,800,000 項結果

"bringing into focus a memory of the past"約有 3 項結果



The most important thing was to make children understand why they sing these songs and to preserve and pass on their culture.



本句中 "to make children understand" 可改成 "to help children understand"

"was to make children understand why they" 2 項結果(本次考題)

"to help children understand the purpose" 約有 71,700 項結果

"to make children understand" 約有 19,000 項結果

"to help children understand" 約有 269,000 項結果





As a teenager, Cartier-Bresson rebelled against his parents’ form always of education. In his early adulthood, he even drifted toward communism. But it was art that remained at the center of his life.


"parents' formal ways of education" 2 項結果(本次考題)




"parents' approach to education" 約有 4,410 項結果



49. (D) His parents were very liberal in their ways of education.


"liberal in their ways of education" 2 項結果(本次考題)



"liberal in their approach to education" 約有 2,660 項結果


出處:Henri Cartier-Bresson - Biography -Photographer, Filmmaker




53. What is the purpose of this passage?

(C) To explore the effects of regular exercise to our body.



本題答案(C) "the effects of regular exercise to our body" 介詞 to 應改為 on

"the effects of regular exercise to our body" 2 項結果 (皆出自104年學測英文科考題)

因此,若搜尋時加上排除台灣的標記 “-site:tw”,就完全查不到了,見以下:

找不到 "effects of regular exercise to our body" -site:tw 的結果。


"effects of regular exercise on our body" -site:tw 7 項結果

"effects of exercise on our body" -site:tw 約有13,000 項結果


55. What is the best way to bring down high blood sugar level and blood pressure?




"bring down high blood sugar level and blood pressure" 2 項結果 (104年學測英文科考題)

"high blood sugar level and blood pressure" 7 項結果

"high blood sugar level and high blood pressure" 9 項結果


"blood sugar levels and blood pressure" 約有207,000 項結果

"high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure" 約有 115,000 項結果






1. 一個成功的企業不應該把獲利當作最主要的目標。

Pursuing profit should not be the main goal of a successful business.


2. 它應該負起社會責任,以增進大眾的福祉。

They should take responsibility for increasing the well-being of the public.



我們無意苛責命題老師,英文不是我們的母語,要寫出地道的英文就很不容易,更何況出英文試題?出試題要考慮的因素很多,既要有信度,又要有效度,談何容易? 此外,命題時間緊迫,沒有外籍老師共同參與命題,闈場裡沒有母語人士及語料庫可供諮詢,都造成命題的困難,品質難以有效提升。








Lynn Sauvé
